
Silver City Heritage Farmstead is a micro-farmstead located near downtown Raeford, North Carolina.

Beginning in 2022, we will be offering a personalized, boutique and exotic cut flower subscription experience. Each subscription will have access to an individualized, intimate and detailed package of videos that starts with your bouquet’s seed selection, planting and tending, flower growth and continues through to flower selection and cutting.

You’ll then see the making of your very own one-of-a-kind exotic cut-flower bouquet, that can be overnight shipped to you!! If you’re within a 20 mile radius of the farm, we can deliver.  For a modest mileage fee, we can also deliver from 21-100 miles, or meet in a community near you.

Your package will include complete instructions on how to care for your bouquet to ensure you can enjoy it for the longest time possible.  You’ll also receive a lovely information card about each of the blooms in your bouquet, a coffee table style notebook in which to store them, and an appropriate vase to stunningly display your exotic blooms.

Beginning 1 February 2022 we will be posting the different subscription levels that will be available for the year.  At that time, you may begin looking at all of the exotic varities of cut flowers on offer, their availability, and their season of harvest.

We will begin taking subscriptions 1 March, 2022.